Thursday, May 12, 2011


I'm excited. We have a LOT of fun things coming up this summer.

  • On May 23rd, DJ and I will celebrate the 12th anniversary of our first date.

  • Memorial Day weekend we are planning to visit our cousins who will be boating and camping for the weekend AND we're planning to go to Brookfield Zoo.

  • On June 2nd my parents arrive for the wedding.

  • On June 3rd, my brother Nathan is getting married!

  • On June 3rd, DJ turns 32. (He will tell you he's turning 29, but you heard it here - it's 32.)

  • On June 11, my baby will be turning 2! Cannot even believe that it's been almost two years since he was born.

  • On June 11, I'm helping my aunt Dawn to throw a graduation party for my cousin Cole.

  • On June 12, we'll be having a birthday party for Jack.

  • On June 16 and 17 my cousins Trace and Kendall will be spending the weekend with us while Bill and Marnie take Carlee to a volleyball tournament in Orlando.

  • On June 25 and 26 DJ and I will be headed to Chicago to celebrate our anniversary! That weekend is the Taste of Chicago festival so it should be a lot of fun.

  • On July 3rd, fair week begins!

  • On July 4th, I turn the big 3.0.!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • In August - start classes for my Masters? (We'll see if I get accepted to the program.)

It's going to be a great summer. This nice weather is just getting me really excited. Happy summer everyone!