Friday, September 11, 2009

Three Months Old

My baby is 3 months old today! I cannot believe that three months ago he came into our lives. I am so proud to be his mama. Here are a few recent pics...


The Hilliard's said...

I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MUCH HE HAS CHANGED AND HOW BIG HE IS!!!!! WOW, he is still so darn cute I can't even stand it! Well, if you read my post today you'll see that the doctor did a nice shot of the butt area and she said she saw a pecker!!! Jackson will have another dude to snowboard with! haha

On another note, I am so sorry to hear about Josh. I know it isn't easy it you need anything please let me know. Even to just chat!!! I'd always love to hear mom advice too!

Miss you and love you!