Wednesday, July 7, 2010


We've been very busy this summer. DJ turned 29 (again) on June 3rd. Jackson turned one on June 11th. DJ and I celebrated our 6th anniversary on June 26th. And I turned 29 on July 4th! (We have a lot of family holidays in a short period of time!)The last year of my twenties! I can hardly believe it. Life is good and I've had a great second decade. Can't wait to find out what the next one will bring.
We've been having so much fun at the 4h fair the past few days. I'm a leader for Horse & Pony (Madison Township) and DJ's brothers Jake and Jon took dairy beef, pigs, and beef this year. They did awesome on Monday night (dairy beef) with two 2nds and a 1st! We are definitely missing Josh especially at the fair. It's hard to believe that he's not here with us, showing his steers, hanging out with his friends. I think the last picture that I took of him was of him smiling at DJ at the fair last year. It's hard to believe that on September 3rd it will be a year since his accident. It's been a tough week for DJ's mom.
On a lighter and happier note, we are off to Fort Lauderale on Saturday! Can't wait to go for a swim in the ocean and to lay on the beach. My dad said the ocean water is 88 degrees! Matt and Jennifer and their boys are there already so I can't wait for Jack to spend some quality time with his cousins. Also, our family from New Jersey will be there so it will be a fun-filled Mangold fest!