Friday, July 9, 2010


Jackson is going to be a big brother! I am almost three months pregnant with baby Reed number two. I've been holding off on announcing this on my blog until a) I was farther along and b) I had told work. Now that both of those things have been accomplsished it feels great to tell the world!
I am due January 26th - a winter baby! I'm excited to have a little one at that time of year. He or she will be able to really celebrate his or her own birthday since DJ, Jack and I all have our birthdays within a month of each other.
We're not going to find out the sex of the baby this time. I feel like everything the second time around is familiar so I wanted to save one big surprise for the end! But who am I kidding - it's totally going to be a boy. :) With 9 brothers between the two of us I'm pretty sure a girl is not in our cards.
Here we grow again!


Steph said...

OMG!! YAY! Congrats to you guys! =) Hope it's a girl (well, if you want it to be!)

Abigail said...

We are so happy for you guys. I love that you are not finding is such an amazing surprise to a wonderful 9 months!!!