Monday, June 8, 2009


pa⋅tience  -noun

1.the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like. ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner

After having a minor melt down this weekend as I watched my due date go by on the calendar I finally realized this morning that I need to chill. Our little one is just not quite ready to be born and I guess this is my first lesson in being a patient parent. :) Can't wait til he gets here!


amberWIRE said...

Hi Heather! I don't know if "patient" is at all the word I would use to describe myself. I'm pretty much going nuts over here...the holding pattern. Every day I think to myself "Today HAS to be the day, this baby CANT grow anymore or I'll never get it out!" then at the end of the day I say "It HAS to be tonight - how could it not be tonight?!?!" Then the next day I say "Seriously, today is the day!" but then it never is. AHHH!!!! You look so great! I'll be checking your blog too - hopefully we'll both have some good news soon! MAYBE TODAY!!

Steph said...

Hey Heather! I'll be checking the blog to hear ANY news! Hang in there--I know it's hard. Obviously that's why I decided to get induced. :) As far as your post about trying things to start labor--I tried them all too with no success!!!! Good luck. Once he's here none of the waiting will matter!