Monday, February 16, 2009


Hello to all of my faithful blog readers! I'm sitting here in my hotel room in St. Joseph, MO watching one of my favorites - HOUSE. It's a little lonely traveling alone, but I suppose I have baby-Reed-to-be to keep me company. :) My meetings went really well today at the hospital and now I'm home free! Now, all I have to do is fly home tomorrow and I will have a much more laid back life, with no travel, until mid-April. This past week has been absoluetely insane! It started with a work trip to Chicago on Monday/Tuesday, an important webinar on Wednesday, throwing an engagement party for Jess and Larry on Friday, and then a flight to Kansas City Sunday-Tuesday of this week. I'm pooped! I can't wait to sleep in my own bed tomorrow next to my hubby. Waking up and NOT having my first conscious thoughts consist of an early morning rehearsal of an upcoming presentaiton (no joke - I'd lay there and rehearse what I was going to say before I was even totally awake!) will be a wonderful feeling.
I love my job, but this week was unusually crazy. But really, I should stop complaining and be thankful that I even have a job! I keep watching these pieces on the news about families without jobs/income and it's just so devastating. I wish there was something I could do to help these poor people, the economy, etc. I have faith that our new administration will turn things around. In th mean time, maybe I should go shopping to boost the economy. :)
By the way, I'm now 24 weeks (aka 6 months pregnant)! Hard to believe that our baby will be here soon. I cannot wait to meet him.